Winner of 2025 LTA Tennis Awards in Oxfordshire:
Tennis Opened Up - Find out more here​
​New Juniors and Adults Welcome - Join at any time
Sessions for all ages abilities
Beginners - Advanced sessions available
Walking Tennis for players who want to play at a slower pace
Thank You
Thank you for booking on to our holiday courses
If you are paying Offine please follow these instructions:
By Cash: Please hand to your coach in an envelope with your name on.
By Cheque: If paying by cheque there is a £1 charge to be added to the total.
Please hand cheques to your coach or forward cheques made payable to EXCEL TENNIS:
19 Bryony Gardens
OX18 1JN
By Bank Transfer: A separate payment should be made for each child/adult being coached.
Payment to be made to: Excel Tennis Academy
Sort Code: 404707
Account Number: 51522035
Reference: The name and initials of the child/adult to be coached.
By Childcare Vouchers
We are able to accept a wide range of childcare voucher providers. Please contact us at info@exceltennis.co.uk to discuss your preference.
If you have any questions please contact us: info@exceltennis.co.uk 07734 059769